Monday, July 8, 2019


Inherent in the term "trying" to meditate is programming the brain to fail in the attempt.  The Dali Lama talks about having difficulty keeping his thoughts from interfering, so you're in the best of company.  "Trying" and relaxing don't mix, so stop trying.  Imagine the tide.  It makes a bit of noise, followed by a period of silence.  The mind chatters, but if permitted will allow for periods of silence as well.  Like the tide, silence comes in waves. 

The mind can remain active during a successful meditation if the flow of thoughts are focused on peace and inner Presence.  

No two people meditate the same way, or with the same effect.  No two meditations by the same individual are alike.  You are totally free to define your own style of meditation and allow it to evolve.  

Some can spend hours in a meditative state.  Others engage in "mini-meditations," that last seconds or minutes.  The best way to determine what's best for you is to observe how the meditation affects you over time.  You know you're on the right track when you begin feeling a sense of peaceful integrity throughout the day.  

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