Monday, October 7, 2019

Gut feelings?

Often a gut feeling is generated by the "reptilian" part of the brain - the part that retains DNA based instincts. For example, fear of the unknown fits in that category, as does being territorial or jealous. The current political polarization is influenced by such gut feelings.

Remember, a "gut" feeling isn't the same as a Heart feeling.

Sometimes a gut feeling and Heart feeling resonate with each other, for example, a mother's Love brings DNA based instinct and a far Higher Level of Love and affection into alignment.

Honest introspection, meditation and/or prayer aids in discernment between "base" instincts and Heart intuition. With practice, this discernment requires little effort and often is automatic. Our physicality is part of who we are, and sometimes those gut instincts really do serve to keep us alive, but we are so much more than a mass of DNA based impulses (aka gut feelings). Sometimes the Heart will guide us to override the impulsive response to gut feelings.

A question to ask is, "Do I identify more with my Authentic Self, or the programming that resides between my ears?"

Cultivate an ongoing, here and now awareness of Heart and Spirit, and a place within will remain calm and meditative, even when in chaotic circumstances. Therein lies the peace that surpasses all understanding, and our authentic selves will discern the Truth.