Monday, September 9, 2019


If the Universe simply responded to all visualizations, the planet would be in a bigger mess than it already is.  Some visualize terrible things happening to others.  Loads of people visualize winning the lottery.  Some visualize looking like they're 25 years old forever.  The Universe will not jump through unnatural loops because we demand it through visualization.  

Visualization is a useful and effective tool and not to be taken lightly.  Fortunately we have a fail-safe mechanism that prevents the most harmfully errant visualizations from manifesting.  I suspect that both as individuals and in communion with the Universe, Spirit within will not allow spiritual regression to occur as a result of visualization.  

For that reason, we don't all win the lottery, have perfect bodies, displace other deserving people from receiving blessings we believe we're entitled to, and have rosy, perfect lives.  

Visualization aligns us to Spirit and Nature, to a far greater extent than it compels Spirit and Nature to do our bidding.  Understanding that helps make visualization far more effective.  As visualization changes us, our perception of external circumstances change.  The circumstances undergo additional change as our wise visualization and interaction with them infuse them with positive Energy.  

Remember the story of the mustard seed, that it eventually becomes a huge tree that provides shade and comfort for many?  Visualization is a bit like that seed.  Often the changes initiated must take time, grow at a natural pace, but eventually make a huge difference.  

Visualize timely manifestation, that is timely according to what is best for all concerned.  Visualization in relation to personal growth is very effective, but if one changes too much overnight, it'll scare people, including the person doing the visualizing.  

Patience is required when visualization conflicts with hidden fears and beliefs, but there is no obscure trick to overcoming the interference.  The breakthroughs will come.  Because growth often occurs gradually, we may not notice it till one day, we suddenly realize how far we've come.