Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Law of Attraction and attracting negative people

This question was presented: 

I have question about the law of attraction. For some reason lots of negative people have been coming into my life I want to do something to change that. It's caused me a great deal of suffering.

This was my response: 

It may not be easily discerned if we're attracting things because of unproductive thoughts, fears and beliefs, or we are aligning ourselves to experiences that promote growth.
Years ago, I was stuck in a hellish and dangerous situation. It felt as though my future would be very much like my past. It was at a steel mill, and I was working security. The workers threatened, and harassed us. Once I went to pee in a porta-john and a guy threw a cinder block at it from an overpass. Stuff like that happened a lot. Often, guys were hired, and would leave at lunch time and never return. I could go on for hours talking about how much the place sucked.
I finally decided that if nothing was going to change, I'd have to accept where I was, and look for things that would make my situation more tolerable. I discovered small areas of beauty in that hellish landscape. One most remarkable view was that of a material elevator that stood around 150 feet high. It was composed of steel girders, a bit like a miniature Eiffel Tower. I was patrolling the area on foot, and stopped, awestruck by its moonlit silhouette against a sky filled with incredibly bright and numerous stars. I noticed dandelions and honeysuckle, growing out of a mixture of graphite and oily mud, and by contrast, they were the most beautiful I'd seen.
I didn't change my behavior, as I had no choice but do my job. I did however gradually grow unafraid, unable to express, but still feel compassion toward those who were hostile toward us.
The shitty circumstances didn't change, but I changed my relationship to them. Others saw the change in me, and how it changed the way the workers behaved toward me, it affected their feelings toward the workers and plant.
After my days became manageable, and even a bit rewarding, I was recruited to a much better job.
I think we're often challenged to overcome negative people and circumstances by creatively transcending the problems involved.
So, you are a positive and compassionate person. Is it any surprise that negative people are attracted to you? Their reptilian brain may be triggering jealousy or resentment, while their higher Self is hoping to receive non-verbal healing Energy from you.
Perhaps the Universe honors you with trust, that you will respond to negativity with whatever is needed in those moments to make things better.
Consider Ekchart Tolle's exhortation to "be in the present." When accosted by negativity, ask yourself in that moment, "Behind this pain, what is the need?"
I have no doubt that you've already left many miracles in your wake. Your ability to manifest more is evolving. Be patient and gentle with yourself. Doing so allows for graceful spiritual evolution, while giving you the strength required to remain patient and gentle with others.